Wednesday, December 4, 2013


  Climate is the average weather condition in a place over a long period of time. The climate of a place is affected by its altitude and latitude, bodies of water and land masses as well as the amount of rainfall it receives and the wind system.
     When we say climate change, there is a change in temperature, air pressure and wind are changes that occur in the atmosphere. Climate change happens due to the energy of the sun. it plays a large part in our lives. For example, if in your place you experience more of rainy weather and a few day of sun weather for so many months during the year, you may conclude that you live in a place with a wet climate. Our country is affected by the Asian monsoon which is a land sea wind that changes direction every six months. We depend on monsoon winds to bring us the rains we need to make our crops grow. We have northeast monsoon from February to November and southeast monsoon from June to September. They bring us heavy rains and winds. These two special winds affect the amount of rainfall received by the different places in our country. There are four types of climate change that we experience here in our country. First type is the wet season from June to November. And dry season from December to June. Second type has no clear sign of dry season and the maximum rain period from December to January. Third type, seasons are not very pronounced. It is dry from November to April and wet during the rest of the year. And the fourth type, the places have evenly distributed rainfall the whole year.
There are factors that affect the climate of a place. It is the distance of place above sea level. If a place is far from the sea level, it means that its altitude is high and this is found in mountainous regions. Places near the sea level have low altitude and they are found in lowlands.

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